Strukturalizam, semiotika, metafilmologija : metodoloÅ”ke rasprave | Hrvoje TurkoviÄ
Peter Achinstein, 1968. Concepts of Science. Baltimore, London: The John Hopkins Press.
Henry Agel (Anri Ažel), 1978. Estetika filma. Beograd: BIGZ.
John R. Anderson, 1980. Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications. San Francisco: Freeman and Comp.
Dudley Andrew (Dadli Endru), 1980. Glavne filmske teorije. Beograd: Institut za film.
J. L. Aranguren, 1967. Human Communication. New York, Toronto: McGraw-Hill.
Michael Argyle, 1972. The Psychology of Interpersonal Behavior. Harmondworth: Penguin Books.
Rudolf Arnheim (Rudolf Arnhajm), 1962. Film kao umetnost. Beograd: Narodna knjiga.
W. Ross Ashby, 1960. Design for a Brain. London: Chapman and Hall.
Richard C. Atkinson (prir.), 1971. Contemporary Psychology. San Francisco: Freeman and Comp.
Dimitrije BaÅ”iÄeviÄ i Ivan Picelj (prir.), 1968. Teorije informacija i nova estetika, Bit 1, Zagreb: Galerija grada Zagreba.
Gregory Bateson, 1955. āA Theory of Play and Fantasyā, u Bruner et al. (prir.) 1976.
Andre Bazin (Andre Bazen), 1967. Å to je to film I, II, III, IV. Beograd: Institut za film.
Ćmile Benveniste (Emil Benvenist), 1975. Problemi opÅ”te lingvistike. Beograb: Nolit.
Manfred Bierwisch, 1971. āSome Methodological Principlesā, u Manfred Bierwisch, 1971. Modern Linguistics, The Hague, Paris: Mouton.
D. G. Bobrow, A. Collins (prir.), 1975. Representation and Understanding, Studies in Cognitive Science. New York: Academic Press.
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J. S. Bruner, A. Jolly, K. Sylva (prir.), 1976. Play, Armondsworth: Penguin Books.
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Rudolf Carnap, 1968. āSemiotic and its Partsā, u C. Carnap, 1968. Introduction to Semantics and Formalization of Logic. Cambridge: Harvard U. p.
Rudolf Carnap, 1969. The Logical Structure of the World and Pseudoprablems in Philosophy, Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press.
John M. Carroll, 1980. Toward a Structural Psychology of Cinema. The Hague, Paris, New York: Mouton Publishers.
E. C. Carterette, M. P. Friedman, 1978. Perceptual Coding (Handbook of Perception, vol. VIII). New York: Academic Press.
Colin Cherry, 1966. On Human Communication. Cambridge, London: M.I.T. Press.
Saymour Chatman, 1978. Story and Discourse. Ithaca, London: Cornell U. P.
H. H. Clark, E. V. Clark, 1977. Psychology and Language. New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
J. W. Cotton, R. L. Klatzky; 1978. Semantic Factors in Cognition. Hillsdale: LEA
Zbigniew Czezot-Gawrak (Zbignjev ÄeÄot-Gavrak), 1982. O poÄecima filmologije. Beograd: Institut za film.
Maya Deren (Maja Deren), 1975a. āAnagram ideja o umetnosti, formi i filmuā, u Filmske sveske, br. 1, sveska VII, Beograd: Institut za film.
Maya Deren (Maja Deren), 1975b. āFilm: stvaralaÄko koriÅ”Äenje stvarnostiā, u Filmske sveske, br. 1, sveska VII, Beograd: Institut za film.
Maya Deren, 1972. Divine Horsemen: The Woodoo Gods of Haiti. Dell Publishing Co.
Umberto Eco (Umberto Eko), 1973. Kultura, informacija, komunikacija. Beograd: Nolit.
Umberto Eco, 1976. A Theory of Semiotics. London: Macmillan Press.
Umberto Eco, 1977. āThe Code: Metaphor of Interdisciplinary Category?ā: u Yale Italian Studies, br. 1. New Heaven. Yale U. P.
Sergej Eizenstein (Sergej EjsenŔtejn), 1957. Eisenstein, život, delo, teorije. Beograd: Jugoslavenska kinoteka.
(S. M. AjzenŔtajn), 1964. Montaža atrakcija. Beograd: Nolit.
Jean Epstein (Žan Epsten), 1981. Žan Epsten, teoretiÄar. Beograd: Institut za film.
William Epstein (prir,), 1977. Stability and Constancy in Visual Perception: Mehanisms and Processes. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Paul Feyerabend, 1975. Against Method. London: NLB.
W. R. Garner, 1978. āAspects of a Stimulus: Features, Dimensions and Configurationsā, u Rosch, Ioyd, 1978.
Emillio Garroni (emilio Garoni), 1977. Semiotika i estetika. Beograd: Institut za film.
Paul Garvin (prir.), 1964. A Prague School on Esthetics, Literary Structure, and Style, Washington; Georgetown U. P.
Paul Garvin, 1977. āLinguistics and Semioticsā, u Semiotica, The Hague: Mouton Publishers.
F. H. George; 1971. Cybernetics. London: Teach Yourself Books.
James J. Gibson, 1966. The Senses Considered as Perceptual Systems. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Comp.
E. H. Gombrich, 1985. Umetnost i iluzija. Beograd: Nolit.
Nelson Goodman, 1968. Languages of Art. Indianopolis: Bobbst-Marrill Comp.
Nelson Goodman, 1972. Problems and Projects. Indianapolis: Bobbst-Merrill Comp.
Nelson Goodman, 1978. Ways of Worldmaking. Hassocs: The Harvester Press.
Richard E. Grandy (prir.), 1973. Theories and Observation in Science. Englewood Clifs: Prentice-Hall.
Douglas Greenlee, 1973. Peirc’s Concept of Sign. The Hague: Mouton.
R. L. Gregory, 1970. The Inteligent Eye. New York: McGraw Hill.
R. L. Gregory, 1974. Concepts and Mechanisms of Perception. London: Duckworth.
M. A. K. Hallyday: 1976. System and Function in Language, ed. by Gunther Kress. London: Oxford U. P.
Edward T. Hall (E. T. Hol), Nemi jezik. Beograd: BIGZ.
Stephen Heath (Stiven Hit), 1983. āFilm i sistem: uslovi za analizuā, u Filmske sveske, br. 1-2, vol. XV. Beograd: Institut za film.
Carl G. Hempel, 1965. Aspects of Scientific Explanation. New York: Free Press.
Carl G. Hempel, 1966. Philosophy of Natural Science. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
Carl G. Hempel, 1970. āOn the āStandard Conceptionā of Scientific Theoriesā, u Radner, Winokur (prir.), 1970. Analyses of Theories and Methods of Physics and Psychology (Volume IV, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science). Minneapolis: U. of Minnesota Press.
Louis Hjelmslev, 1971. āStructural Analysis of Languageā, u Reading in Modern Linguistic, B. Malmborg, 1971. Stockholm: Laromedelsforlagen.
Louis Hjelmslev, 1980. Prolegomena teoriji jezika. Zagreb, GZH.
J. Hochberg, V. Brooks, 1978. āThe Perception of Motion Picturesā, u E. C. Carterette i M. P. Friedman, 1978. Handbook of Perception, Vol. X, New York, San Francisco, London: Academic Press.
Ivan D. IviÄ, 1978. Äovjek kao Animal Symbolicum. Beograd: Nolit.
Roman Jakobson, 1956. āTwo Aspects of Language and Two Types of Aphasic Disturbancesā, u R. Jakobson, M. Halle, 1956. Fundamentals of Language. The Hague: Mouton.
Roman Jakobson, 1966. Lingvistika i poetika. Beograd: Nolit.
Bela Julesz, 1975. āExperiments in the Visual Perception of Textureā, u Scientific American, April. New York: Scientific American.
Oskar Jursa, 1974. Kibernetika. Zagreb: Mladost.
Radoslav KatiÄiÄ, 1967. Osnovni pojmovi suvremene lingvistiÄke teorije. Zagreb: SveuÄiliÅ”te u Zagrebu.
Radoslav KatiÄiÄ, 1971. āReÄenica kao jeziÄna jedinicaā, u R. KatiÄiÄ, 1971. Jezikoslovni ogledi. Zagreb: Å kolska knjiga.
R. L. Klatzky, A. M. Stoy, 1978. āSemantic Information and Visual Information Processingā, u Cotton, Klatzky, 1978.
John M. Kennedy, 1974. A Psychology of Picture Perception. San Francisco, Washington, London: Jossey-Bass Publ.
Wolfrang Kƶhler (Volfgang Keler), 1985. GeÅ”talt psihologija. Beograd: Nolit.
A. Kondratov, 1969. Sound and Signs. Moskva: MIR Publishers.
Thomas S. Kuhn, 1964. āA Function for Thought Experimentsā, u P. N. Johnson-Laird, P. C. Wason, 1977. Thinking. Cambridge, London, New York, Melbourne: Cambridge U. P.
(Thomas Kuhn), 1974. Struktura nauÄnih revolucija. Beograd: Nolit.
Benjamin J. Kuipers, 1975. āA Frame for Frames: Representing Knowledge for Recognitionā, u Bobrow, Collins, 1975.
Lev KuljeÅ”ov, 1972, āUmetnost filmaā, u Filmske sveske, br. 2, vol. IV, Beograd; Institut za film.
Lev KuljeŔov, 1974. Kuleshov on film, ed. by California Press.
Willam Labov, 1972. Sociolinguistic Patterns. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz; 1980. Izabrani filozoski spisi. Zagreb: Naprijed.
Lindsay, Norman, 1977. Human Information Processing, sec. edition. New York, San Francisco, London: Academic Press.
Jurij Lotman, 1970. Predavanja iz strukturalne poetike. Sarajevo: Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika.
Jurij Lotman, 1976a. Semiotika filma, Beograd; Institut za film.
Jurij Lotman, 1976b. Struktura umetniÄkog teksta. Beograd: Nolit.
John Lyons, 1977. Semantics I. London, New York, Melbourne: Cambridge U. P.
Bronislaw Malinowski, 1923. āThe Problem of Meaning in Primitive Languagesā, u Ogden Richards, 1972. The Meaning of Meaning. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Lawrence E. Marks, 1978. āMultimodal Perceptionā, u Carterette, Friedman, 1978.
AndrĆ© Martinet (Andre Martine), 1973. āReÄā, u TreÄi program, leto. Beograd: Radio Beograd.
Renato May, 1948. Filmski jezik. Zagreb: Biblioteka komisije za kinematogarfiju vlade N. R. Hrvatske.
Denis McQail, 1975. Communication. London, New York: Longman.
Robert K. Merton, 1979. O teorijskoj sociologiji. Zagreb: CDDSSOH.
Christian Metz (Kristijan Mec), 1973. Ogledi o znaÄenju filma I. Beograd: Institut za film.
Christian Metz, 1975. Jezik i kinematografski medijum. Beograd. Institut za film.
Christian Metz, 1978. Ogledi o znaÄenju filma II. Beograd: Institut za film.
George A. Miller, 1951. Language and Communication. New York, Toronto, London: McGrawāHill.
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G. A. Miller, Ph. N. Johnson-Laird; 1976. Language and Perception, Cambridge; Cambridge U. P.
Marvin Minsky, 1975. āFrame-System Theoryā, u Johnson-Laird, Wason (prir.), 1977. Thinking. Cambridge: Cambridge U. P.
Abraham Moles, 1968. Information Theory and Esthetic Perception. Urbana, Chicago, London: U. of Illinois Press.
Charles Morris, 1971. Writings on the General Theory of Signs. The Hague, Paris: Mouton.
Hugo MĆ¼nsterberg, 1970. The Film, a Psychological Study. New York: Dover Publ.
Jan MukaÅovskĆ½, 1978. Structure, Sign and Function. New Haven: Yale U.P.
Ernest Nagel (Ernest Nejgel), 1974. Struktura nauke. Beograd: Nolit.
Donald A. Norman, 1976. Memory and Attention, sec. edition. New York, London, Sidney, Toronto: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
P. OlƩron, J. Piaget, B. Inhelder, P. GrƩco, 1969. Inteligence (u seriji: P. Fraisse, J. Piaget: Experimental Psychology, Its Scope and Method, VII). New York: Basic Books.
Jean-Pierre Oudart (Žan-Pjer Udar), 1978. āFilmski Å”avā, u StojanoviÄ (prir.), 1978.
Erwin Panofsky, 1978. āStil i medijum filmaā, u StojanoviÄ (prir.) 1978.
T. Parsons, E. A. Shils (prir.), 1961. Toward a General Theory of Action. New York: Harper and Row.
Pier P. Pasolini; 1967. āRasprava o kadru-sekvenci ili film kao semiologija stvarnostiā, u StojanoviÄ (prir.) 1978.
Živojin PavloviÄ, 1964. Film u Å”kolskim klupama. ZajeÄar: Novinska ustanova āTimokā.
Ch. S. Peirce, 1955. Philosophical Writings of Peirce, ed. by Justus Buchler, New York: Dover
V. Pekelis, 1974. Cybernetics A to Z. Moskva: MIR Publishers.
Ante PeterliÄ, 1977. Osnove teorije filma. Zagreb: Filmoteka 16.
Vlada PetriÄ, 1981. āProblemi semioloÅ”kog izuÄavanja filma: deskriptivna i kinematiÄka analizaā, u Filmske sveske, vol. 13, br. 2. Beograd: Institut za film.
Vlada PetriÄ, 1982. Predavanja na Akademiji za kazaliÅ”te, film i televiziju, Zagreb.
Aleksandra Petrov (prir.), 1970. Poetika ruskog formalizma. Beograd: Prosveta.
Gajo PetroviÄ, 1964. Logika. Zagreb: Å kolska knjiga.
Jean Piaget, 1954. The Construction of Reality in the Child. New York: Ballantine Books.
(Žan Piaže), 1968. Psihologija inteligencije. Beograd: Nolit.
Jean Piaget, 1971. Biology and Knowledge. Chicago: The U. of Chicago Press.
J. Piaget, B. Inhelder, 1963. āMental imagesā, u OlĆ©ron et al. (prir.) 1969.
John R. Pierce; 1967. Waves and Messages. New York: A Doubleday Anchor Book.
Jerzy Plazewski (Ježi Plaževski), 1961. Jezik filma I. Beograd: Institut za film.
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Karl R. Popper, 1972. Objective Knowledge. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Michael I. Posner, 1973, Cognition: An Introduction. Brighton: Scott, Foresman and Comp.
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Hans Reichenbach (Hans Rajhenbah), 1964. RaÄanje nauÄne filozofije. Beograd: Nolit.
Sheldon Renan, 1967. The Underground Film. London: Studio Vista.
Vladislava Ribnikar PeriÅ”iÄ, 1976. Ruski formalizam i književna istorija. Beograd: Ideje.
Eleonor Rosch, 1976. āClassification of Real-World Objects: Origins and Representations in Cognitionā, u Johnson-Laird, Wason, 1977. Thinking. Cambridge: Cambridge U. P.
Ferdinand de Saussure (F. Sosir), 1969. OpŔta lingvistika. Beograd: Nolit.
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Israel Scheffler, 1967. Science and Subjectivity. Indianapolis, New York: TheBobbs-Merill Comp.
Ju. A. Schreider, N. Ya. Vilenkin; 1975. āReal Objects and Set-Theoretical Conceptsā, u Ju. A. Schreider, 1975. Equality, Resemblance, and Order. Moskva: MIR Publ.
Thomas A. Sebeok, 1972. Perspectives in Zoosemiotics. The Hague: Mouton.
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E. V. Sokolov, 1976. Kultura i liÄnost. Beograd: Prosveta.
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Hrvoje TurkoviÄ, 1972. āOsobnost kao osobitostā, u Prolog, br. 16, vol. V. Zagreb.
Hrvoje TurkoviÄ, 1973. āU pohvalu trileraā, u TurkoviÄ, 1985.
Hrvoje TurkoviÄ, 1974. āPrilog domaÄih autoraā, u Filmske sveske, br. 2, vol. IV. Beograd: Institut za film.
Hrvoje TurkoviÄ, 1975. āAnaliza elipse u Murnauovu āPosljednjem Äovjekuāā, u Film, br. 2-3. Zagreb.
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Hrvoje TurkoviÄ, 1876b. āÄemu aktivirati publikuā, u āPublika sama sobomā, prilog, u Pitanja, br. 3-4. Zagreb: CDD.
Hrvoje TurkoviÄ, 1976c. āUmjetnost kao žanrā, u TurkoviÄ, 1985.
Hrvoje TurkoviÄ, 1977a. āPrikazivanje nasilja na filmuā, u TurkoviÄ, 1985.
Hrvoje TurkoviÄ, 1977b. āOprekovno ustrojstvo āRima, otvorenog gradaāā, u K, Äasopis za komparativnu književnost, br. 2. vol. 2. Zagreb.
Hrvoje TurkoviÄ, 1978a. āÅ to je to eksperimentalni filmā, u TurkoviÄ, 1985.
Hrvoje TurkoviÄ, 1978b. āKritika kao kulturalna politikaā, tekst u radu.
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Hrvoje TurkoviÄ, 1984a. āPopulistiÄka i elitistiÄka usmjerenja u razvoju jugoslavenskog igranog filmaā, u TurkoviÄ, 1985.
Hrvoje TurkoviÄ, 1984b. āPojmovi i pristupiā, u Filmske sveske, br. 3, vol. XVI. Beograd: Institut za film.
Hrvoje TurkoviÄ, 1985. Filmska opredjeljenja. Zagreb: CEKADE.
H. TurkoviÄ ā D. StojanoviÄ, 1976. āRasprava o filmoloÅ”kim pitanjimaā, u Filmske sveske, br. 1. Beograd: Institut za film.
B. A. Uspenskij, V. V. Ivanov, V. N. Toporov, A. M. Pjatigorskij, Ju. M. Lotman, 1973. āTheses on the Semiotic Study of Cultures (as Aplied to Slavic Texts)ā, u J. V. der Eng, M. Grygar (prir.). 1973. Structure of Texts and Semiotics of Culture. The Hague, Paris: Mouton.
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G. H. von Wright, 1975. ObjaŔnjenje i razumevanje. Beograd: Nolit.
John Ziman, 1978. Reliable Knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P.
Gene Youngblood, 1970. Expanded Cinema. London: Studio Vista.
1. Napomene o filmologiji
2. HeuristiÄki uvod u teoriju medijskog opisa filma
3. Filmska pravila i sloboda stvaralaŔtva
4. Semiotika i filmologija
5. EstetiÄki purizam
6. Empirijska filmologija
7. Napomene o āanalogijskojā i āmotiviranojā naravi filmskog znaka
8. Tri terminoloŔke vježbe
9. Greenleejeva analiza znakovnosti
10. Znak i film ili kako analizirati film
11. Komunikacijski model filmskog procesa
12. Pojmovna razgraniÄenja
(kontinuitet i diskontinuitet, kompaktnost i diskretnost, razabirljivost i nerazabirljivost, analognost i digitalnost)
Napomene o tekstovima